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Death Mason Jar is an arcane item. It is also one of items affecting amount of skulls dropped, the other two being Teeth of Doom and Spectral Scimitar.


Death Mason Jar is a purple colored jar with 4 skulls without a jaw engraved around at top. Skulls have fangs. Similar to Death Chalice and Death Mug.

Death Mason Jar adds more to skull's value. Similar items to this is Teeth of Doom which benefits from Bob Sleeping and Spectral Scimitar which benefits from killing villagers. Previous tier of this item is Death Mug.

Death Mason Jar is an arcane item and doesn't have any other rarity and it has no star rating.


Death Mason Jar can only be crafted in the Forge.

Crafting Recipe[]

Recipe for Death Mason Jar
Item Description Ingredients Time
Death Mason Jar
Death Mason Jar
Add 800% skull's value Death Mug
Death Mug
Death Mug
Death Mug
Death Mug
Death Mug
Recipe requiring Death Mason Jar
Item Description Ingredients Time
Greed splinter
Greed Splinter
Multiplies skull values by 10%. Stacks multiplicatively Ectoplasmprism
Ectoplasm Prism
Ectoplasm Prism
Death Mason Jar
Death Mason Jar


  • Human skulls were used as bowls or drinking vessels.
  • Same skull design can be spotted on Evil Lipstick.